Here are some yoga poses to help practice a growth mindset:

Here is a how-to for practicing these poses, taken from
How to practice Warrior 1 Pose: Stand tall with legs hip-width apart, feet facing forward, and straighten your arms alongside your body. Step one foot back, angling it slightly outward. Bend your front knee, bring your arms straight up toward the sky, and look up. Imagine working hard through a problem and embracing challenges. Say, “I am hard-working.” Repeat on the other side.
How to practice Dancer’s Pose: Stand tall in Mountain Pose. Then stand on your right leg, reach your left leg out behind you, and place the outside of your left foot into your left hand. Bend your torso forward, with your right arm out in front for balance, and arch your leg up behind you. Imagine using your creativity to face setbacks in a different way. Say, “I am creative.” Switch sides and repeat the steps.
How to practice Chair Pose: Stand tall in Mountain Pose with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees, and keep a straight spine. Take your straight arms out in front of you at a 45-degree angle. Focus on giving your best effort to hold this difficult pose as long as you can. Think of when you could use focus and effort to master a task in real life. Say, “I am focused.”
How to practice Lunge Pose: From Downward-Facing Dog Pose, step your right foot forward to rest just inside your right hand. Keep a flat back and open your chest. Imagine being open-minded enough to listen and learn from someone giving you constructive criticism. Say, “I am open-minded.” Switch sides and repeat the steps.
How to practice Downward-Facing Dog Pose: Step back to your hands and feet in an upside-down V shape, with your buttocks up in the air. Think of ways that people around you have experienced success. Be curious and inspired by their successes. Say, “I am curious.”